Sunday, December 19, 2010

Daily Dose of Anecdote

So pretend you are a character in a video game (mario bros, call of duty, pretty princess, ugly prince, whatever). You have reached the end of the beginning of your journey and you are at two crossroads. One: is full of uncertainty and perhaps if you have good luck, you shall get the next coin or glass slipper or power sword, or you may meet your worst enemy--the poisonous apple, "bad guys", a sleeping dragon, you know.The other is a path of safety that will keep on you waiting indefinitely, stuck at: game loading-99%. So the question is how to customize your game avatar to look as attractive as you are not but, rather, which fork in the road do you choose: one of adventure or assurance?

How about try to save your game data first so in case you fail with taking the risk of the adventure route, you can start again, right? But if your game card data is full, I think you might as well take the chance--and "spread your wings" but first remember to cultivate some wings with feather hormone injections (im pretty sure they sell those right?). But if your feathers fail you, I guess you can always start the game over.

But in real life, there are no do overs, no back-up memory card. We are perpetually going in one direction: forward. So really, which one to pick? Which dirt or pebbled path will get pretty princess safely to the ball (with not one strand of hair out of place) and which one will lead the prince to the princess, who is at the ball, by the way.

Friday, November 26, 2010

But I can explain...

At this point you are probably thinking, where in the world did this blog title come from? The best answer that I can give you is that it really did not come from anywhere too exciting:

I am a big fan of sweaters, in fact, whenever i go shopping, i almost always buy a sweater. Sweaters like all thing can be made from different materials. Cotton, wool and cashmere are among the acceptable ones. However, acrylic, nylon and viscose are not. I admit, i am guilty of owning a few synthetic sweaters, but they are all blended materials (ie: cotton-viscose blend). I remember once when i got this 100% acrylic sweater and it gave me a horrendous itch on my arms and back.

Here is a rating of different sweater materials:

from most soft to least:

1. Cashmere 2. Merino Wool 3. Cotton 4. Normal Wool 5. Synthetic

from most expensive to least

1. Cashmere 2. Merino Wool 3. Normal Wool 4. Cotton 5. Synthetic

Obviously, comfort varies directly with price. So i guess you really get what you pay for no matter what coupons you try to use that was stolen from your friend's friend's daughter's mother (aka your friend's friend).

So i guess my answer to the question is like acrylic sweaters, this blog doesn't make sense. Although they are well intentioned, they should not theoretically exist. In the end, this blog just takes up address on blogspot that someone might want i can sell for know, like

- Luk

Monday, August 16, 2010

While I'm at It...

...i might as well create another post. And, it is only just that I introduce myself. Hello, nice to meet "you", my name contain the letters, L, H, A, U, N, K, I forgetting any? oh right, and G. Didn't think I was going to make it easy, right? Anyhoo, who I am exactly, you will have to sieve out from my posts (Comming Soon to internet near you). Have fun working.



Its the essential question human, chickens, ducks, turtles, frogs...etc have been asking since the dawn of creation/evolution. Why? Well, why...what? What Why? Because... may not have an unambiguious answer that follows. Why did the apple fall from the tree? Why does the earth revolve around the sun? Why the "Bieber/Beaver fever" (I promise, I don't have it)? All questions, all the same.

But why, why this blog? That's a question I can't even answer. Perhaps I don't have a life. Maybe I want to exist one of millions, or billions of bloggers out there (besides, fitting in is a good thing right?...). You be the judge.