Monday, August 16, 2010

While I'm at It...

...i might as well create another post. And, it is only just that I introduce myself. Hello, nice to meet "you", my name contain the letters, L, H, A, U, N, K, I forgetting any? oh right, and G. Didn't think I was going to make it easy, right? Anyhoo, who I am exactly, you will have to sieve out from my posts (Comming Soon to internet near you). Have fun working.



Its the essential question human, chickens, ducks, turtles, frogs...etc have been asking since the dawn of creation/evolution. Why? Well, why...what? What Why? Because... may not have an unambiguious answer that follows. Why did the apple fall from the tree? Why does the earth revolve around the sun? Why the "Bieber/Beaver fever" (I promise, I don't have it)? All questions, all the same.

But why, why this blog? That's a question I can't even answer. Perhaps I don't have a life. Maybe I want to exist one of millions, or billions of bloggers out there (besides, fitting in is a good thing right?...). You be the judge.