Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dis Don't Make No Sense #2

Today it was raining cats and dogs...and frogs, elephants, turtles, pigs, horses...etc...
So why is it that as soon as I put on my rain gear, the sun comes out and when I take off my rain shields, the rains comes back. Its almost like the rain was spying on me and was continuously playing the "haha, gotcha" game. So this is my letter to the weather god, copied below:

Dearest Weather Gods:

Please give me back my wet dry clothes. Showering is fine, but that is only for inside the bathroom with...akem, warm water, s'il-vous plait. And please don't think that I am in any way shape or form amused by your little give. I surrender. I raise the white flag. So please, show some mercy.

Sincerely, victimized earth habitant.


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